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[CR] Bunker Hill (RR de Compass)

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1[CR] Bunker Hill (RR de Compass) Empty [CR] Bunker Hill (RR de Compass) Mar 1 Aoû 2017 - 20:26



17 Juin 1775, près de Charlestown

Thomas Gage:

[CR] Bunker Hill (RR de Compass) 800px-12

Les dés sont jetés...

Les rebelles se sont retranchés dans la presqu'île de Charlestown, ce n'est donc plus un combat d'escarmouche qu'ils cherchent.

Nous allons donc les affronter en bataille rangée.
Jusqu'alors, ils ont toujours évité ce genre de combat, ou bien se sont enfuis après quelques échanges de tirs ou confrontés à une charge à la baïonnette.
C'est pour nous l'occasion de leur infliger une défaite retentissante.

[CR] Bunker Hill (RR de Compass) Dsc02426

[CR] Bunker Hill (RR de Compass) Dsc02427

Ils ont amélioré une redoute que nous avions construite puis abandonnée, sur Breed's Hill.
Et construit une clôture au nord de cette colline jusqu'à la mer.

Notre flotte pourrait nous permettre de débarquer près de l'isthme qui relie la presqu'île au continent, mais cela nous prendrait du temps, trop de temps.

Nous allons débarquer près de Moulton s hill, celle ci masquant nos troupes car ces rebelles ont du canon, voyez vous ça.


[CR] Bunker Hill (RR de Compass) Dsc02428

Nous avons débarqué près de mille hommes, et nous avons commencé à avancer vers Breed s Hill,
leurs canons nous ont causé quelques pertes.

La bataille a commencé ...

2[CR] Bunker Hill (RR de Compass) Empty Re: [CR] Bunker Hill (RR de Compass) Mar 15 Aoû 2017 - 17:25




[CR] Bunker Hill (RR de Compass) Dsc02636

British troops avance in line towards the rebels ' positions.

[CR] Bunker Hill (RR de Compass) Dsc02637

Meanwhile the officers carry on  the landing from the ships near Morton s Hill .

[CR] Bunker Hill (RR de Compass) E2bf6e10

The rebels , bewildered , see the Mighty forces of the King Georges III landing ...


[CR] Bunker Hill (RR de Compass) Dsc02638

[CR] Bunker Hill (RR de Compass) Th10

The rebels behind the rail fence deliver a vicious volley fire which breaks the grenadiers and the Breed s hill cannons fire rough grape shot .
Our troops are broken before firing at all !


[CR] Bunker Hill (RR de Compass) Dsc02639

[CR] Bunker Hill (RR de Compass) Britis10

The broken grenadiers withdraw and line fusiliers take their position, new régiments envelopt Breed s Hill by the East and the South.

Turn 5  

[CR] Bunker Hill (RR de Compass) Dsc02640

[CR] Bunker Hill (RR de Compass) Pyle-b11

They assault Breed s Hill in a magnificent style !
Walking in rythmn with the sound of drums and fifers
No firing , just cold steel ...

[CR] Bunker Hill (RR de Compass) Dsc02641

The rebels fire when we get at the thirty yards, dropping to the ground  officers and privates, the survivors push their charge with their leveled bayonets, revengeful...

[CR] Bunker Hill (RR de Compass) Dsc02642

The Minutemen can't reload and  they are no match  when we come to close combat...it becomes a Killing ground,
the west part of Breed s Hill is taken !

Some rebels flee away...the others  lie to the ground.
We need some rally , two thirds of our storming party are broken.

[CR] Bunker Hill (RR de Compass) 55403210

Because in front of our exhausted fusiliers,  rises the Breed s Hill redoubt, with cannon .
They are surprisingly very calm inspite of of our Copps Hill Battery and Fleet bombardment...
and ready to fight us, to the death...

3[CR] Bunker Hill (RR de Compass) Empty Re: [CR] Bunker Hill (RR de Compass) Mar 15 Aoû 2017 - 19:03




[CR] Bunker Hill (RR de Compass) 34_10210

Clinton leads a landing party just east of Charlestown, 600 men, with 200 marine troops.
He wants to envelop Breed s hill by the South and southwest, instead of pursuing a costly frontal assault.
The small boats rescue the wounded back to Boston, the officers first , of course.

[CR] Bunker Hill (RR de Compass) Dsc02643

[CR] Bunker Hill (RR de Compass) Dsc02644

[CR] Bunker Hill (RR de Compass) Dsc02650

Howe and Abercronbie rally their troops meanwhile the régiments just north of them assault the breed s Hill redoubt.

The cannon s grape shots blow apart one third of our men, but the others charge the earthworks, enter the redoubt and melee the defenders, Killing many militias.

But a reserve gun fires point blank fire disrupting our red coated soldiers, the minutemen, lead by mad men leaders   fight like devils

[CR] Bunker Hill (RR de Compass) Dsc02645

Our soldiers try to flee this hellish ground but scaling up the scaling up these earthworks to safety is too much for them, hunted by a mob in fury.
It s an ugly slaughter.

[CR] Bunker Hill (RR de Compass) Dsc02646

The Copp s Hill battery and the fleet bombard again the redoubt ...to no effect.


[CR] Bunker Hill (RR de Compass) Dsc02647

[CR] Bunker Hill (RR de Compass) Willia10

Breed s Hill is reinforced by some minutemen, Prescott, handsomely  dressed in a blue uniform, speaks to each man, the redoubt is the key point of the battle, Here , they can bleed the brits to death because in open terrain they could'nt stand the ground in front of the King s elite  infantrymen.
It s the battle of his life...and, may be... of his death.


[CR] Bunker Hill (RR de Compass) Dsc02649

[CR] Bunker Hill (RR de Compass) Dsc02651

Our troops assault by the  South ridge

[CR] Bunker Hill (RR de Compass) Bbh10

[CR] Bunker Hill (RR de Compass) Nnnnnn10

[CR] Bunker Hill (RR de Compass) Bunker10

they are received with grapeshot and point blank range musket fire, the rebels seems to fire as fast as they can, half of our veterans are casualties, the survivors fall back in a rout.

But Clinton assault by the southwest with 100 regulars and 200 marines.

The Prescott s men realise they are ammo low, few patriots dared came to the redoubt s rescue with ammo, and their continuous musket fire spent most of their remaining powder.

[CR] Bunker Hill (RR de Compass) Tmp46911

[CR] Bunker Hill (RR de Compass) 20150610

Clinton loses one third of his men but scales the earthworks facing low defensive fire, and  storms the redoubt with cold steel.

[CR] Bunker Hill (RR de Compass) Dsc02652

Prescott and a hundred survivors escape a certain death retreating by the small western redoubt open passage.

[CR] Bunker Hill (RR de Compass) Dsc02653

The second part of Clinton landing party take position on the South part of the redoubt.

The rebels have lost their strongpoint, and their morale is very low, but our troops have sustained too much casualties and nearly exhausted.

[CR] Bunker Hill (RR de Compass) Genera10

"One more effort, gentlemen ! These battlefield is ours !"

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